May 18, 2011

Review: Monk's Blood

21st Amendment Brewery

Grade: B+

Appearance: Pours a nice dark amber color, leaving a very little head, but it sticks around for a while and leaves a very good lacing.

Smell: Belgian yeast hits right away, followed by a sweet maltiness, dark fruits (figs, raisins) and alcohol. Little to no hops. Some vanilla and oak notes linger as well.

Taste: Begins with a spiciness, followed by a malt flavor that can be best described as a brown sugar type sweetness. I'm also picking up a banana bread and caramel flavors. As it warms up, the depth of the beer becomes apparent.

Mouthfeel: Creamy and full-bodied with little carbonation. A thick malt texture as you sip, but then goes down pretty smoothly.

Drinkability: Ok. I finished my glass without a problem however, I'm not sure if I could have another.

Overall: It's quite tasty, but not a sessionable beer by any means. It's a great one and done brew for me. It just doesn't quite stack up to other Belgian Darks.

Serving type: Can

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