Jun 16, 2011

The Best of the Cheap Beers

It's summer time and the season for light, American macro lagers.  These beers are mass produced and made with adjuncts like corn, rice and very little hops.  Budweiser, Coors and Miller are the poster brands of this style.  They are affordable and can be light and refreshing while on the beach, at the pool and during BBQs.  As I am embarrased to admit, I happen to dabble in a few of these brews when the temperature gets high enough.  So, if your at a party and the ONLY options are these American macro lagers, which one(s) should you choose?  Let this be your guide.

1.  Pabst Blue Ribbon
This may seem like the beer your grandpa used to drink back in the day, but it is my preferred brew when it comes to light lagers.  It doesn't have the fullest of flavors, but it's smooth without that nasty adjunct and metallic aftertaste.  While the flavors aren't very present, there is nothing offensive about this beer and is about 30% cheaper than BMC (Bud, Miller, Coors).

2.  Coors Orginal
The self-titled, "Banquet Beer" is actually the best of the original BMC beers.  There is actually some malt sweetness that goes along with some hops.  This is the beer I am looking for that has some malt sweetness and is easy to drink.

3.  Miller Highlife
The Champagne of Beers.  This beer doesn't have much malt and hops, but the extremely high carbonation and light body  hides its flaws and makes this a pretty drinkable beer.

4.  Rolling Rock
While this is an American macro lager, it is still a very overpriced beer.  It is very much like Past Blue Ribbon, with a little less hops and a higher price.  But it is still one of the better light lagers available.

5.  Miller Genuine Draft
While this beer has a slight wedge of malt, it is very thin in body and taste.  There are a lot of undesirable off flavors that show up beyond the malt sweetness.

6.  Budweiser
The most over-marketed, over-sold crappy beer in history.  There is nothing more to say.   It pretty much tastes like carbonated water with some grains, rice and alcohol mixed in. 

7.  Corona
While this isn't an American made beer, it is crafted in the American light lager style.  The taste reminds me of spoiled beer with some corn.  A lime wedge is essential when drinking this beer.  Word of advice: Drink this beer in a can whenever possible.  The clear bottles the beer comes in "skunks" it and makes this a struggle to drink.

8.  Miller Lite
By far, my favorite of the American light "light" lagers.  It contains more hop character than Coors Light and Bud Light.

9..  Bud Light
See my comment for Budweiser.

10.  Coors Light
No comment necessary.  The worst of the worst.

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