Jun 3, 2011

Review: Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale (2011 Edition)

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

Grade: A-

Appearance: Pours a dark crimson red with a brown copper tinit.  A nice 2 finger head forms and sticks around for a while, leaving good lacing.

Smell: This is definetely an American Barleywine. Sweet malt with pine and grapefruit notes. Hops and alcohol heat is present as well.

Taste: Strong pine hops lead the way, followed by dark fruits, toffee and caramel. After the dark malts show up mid-palate, aggressive hop bitterness takes over. Grapefruit and pine notes remain way into the aftertaste. Every sip brings a nice alcohol warmth that stays with you long after the bottle is finished.

Mouthfeel: Excellent. Medium body with moderate carbonation. Most of the carbonation is felt at the end.

Drinkability: For a barleywine, drinkability is strong. Despite being 9.6% ABV, the alcohol burn isn't over the top and is actually very soothing. These are best to sip during chilly nights in the middle of winter.

Overall: A really good barleywine. While its not overly complex, the textbook flavors stand strong and stay in balance. Luckily, I bought a few sixers to age and I can't wait to crack 'em open in a year or two.

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