Jun 26, 2011

Review: Ellie's Brown Ale

Avery Brewing Co.

Grade:  B+

Appearance: Pours a very deep, dark rustic brown with a light brown head that leaves solid lacing.

Smell: Mmmm. Nice smell! Dark chocolate and coffee are apparent, along with roasted nuts, caramel and a hint of light fruit.

Taste: It begins with dark chocolate, brown sugar and roasted malts.  Coffee flavors peak through, and then become more noticeable in the finish.  It finishes with a mild hop bitterness that barely balances out the coffee notes at the end.  It is almost a hybrid of a stout and brown ale.

Mouthfeel: Full-bodied with light carbonation.  It has a pretty have mouthfeel for a American Brown Ale. Very creamy and smooth, almost to the point of a stout or porter.  However, as it warms, the body begins to get thinner and the carbonation is felt more strongly.

Drinkability: This one is pretty tricky.  While the body is creamy and heavy in your mouth, it feels lighter going down the hatch.  Pretty impressive.  I could drink a couple of these with no problems, as long as its not right after dinner.

Overall: A very good brown ale.  What I really enjoyed about this brew and what sets its apart from other brown ales that I have had is the creamier mouthfeel and light overall body, before it warmed up.  Had the mouthfeel remained the same through to the last sip, it would have received a higher score.  Nonetheless,  I suggest you give this one a try if you come across it.  Good stuff. 

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