Grade: B+
Appearance: Pours a clear golden orange color with a white head that doesn't want to stick around, but leaves good lacing.
Smell: Sweet honey malt is balanced by strong floral, pine and citrus hops. Some bready notes are present, along with nice nutty notes. It gives off a refreshing earth fragrance.
Taste: The taste mirrors the nose. The honey malt is picked up right away, with toffee and caramel notes coming in. Then comes the floral and citrus hops. It is very balanced. One downside is the alcohol burn does show itself every so slightly.
Mouthfeel: Lighter body with good carbonation. It is smooth and really refreshing.
Drinkability: The smoothness and refreshing quality have me asking for another. However, the high 7.5% ABV could be hidden a little bit better.
Overall: A good IPA. After my last couple reviews, anything decent would taste good. Luckily, this brew is way above the decent barrier. From the smell to the great malt-hop balance, the is a great IPA all the way through. The strong alcohol burn does bring it down a peg. Overall, a great IPA at a good price. I will be searching for this again and you should too.