Lakefront Brewing Co.
Appearance: Pours a very dark, almost black, blood-like amber with a beautiful off-white head and lacing that does not want to go away. A sight to behold.
Smell: Strong dark malts is immediately picked up, along with earthy pine and citrus hops. Residual sugar from the malt, brown sugar and some alcohol tags along.
Taste: Roasted malts and sweet caramel take center stage. Dried fruits (figs, dates, cherries and raisins) notes are followed by a nice citrus hop punch. While I initially expected a more hop character, it is on the sweeter side. Besides the slight warmth in your chest, the high ABV is hidden very well.
Mouthfeel: Excellent for an american strong ale. It has a thick and creamy body with subtle carbonation. It feels like I'm drinking velvet. Yum!
Drinkability: I could easily drink a few of these in a session. Unfortunately, the 8% ABV prevents me from doing so. This is a great brew to drink at home when relaxing and not driving later.
Overall: I am fairly impressed with this brew. The mouthfeel and masked alcohol content make this bad boy a pleasure to drink. Stone Brewing's Arrogant Bastard has been my favorite american strong ale for a while now and this may have just topped it, or at least have it a run for its money.
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