Deschutes Brewery
Appearance: Pours almost pitch black with a dark brown head that doesn't stick around long and leaves little lacing.
Smell: Roasted malts and dark chocolate jump out, with notes of coffee and sweet malts. Call me crazy, but I also smell some marshmallow.
Taste: Bitter espresso is tasted first with a lot more roasted malts than I picked up from the smell. A rush of dark chocolate comes next, followed by extremely rich and sweet coffee. Earthy hops add to the finish. Tasty.
Mouthfeel: Body is on the thicker end of medium with transitioning carbonation. Carbonation is light initially, then picks up at the finish. Spot on.
Drinkability: Strong for a stout. The higher carbonation at the end gives this brew a lighter feel than it is and makes it a sessionable beer.
Overall: One of the better stouts I have had. If drinking beer in the morning was acceptable in society, I would drink this with my breakfast. The prefect carbonation makes this beer. I will definitely look for this again.
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