Knee Deep Brewing Co.
Appearance: Pours a clear copper-like amber color with a decent head that slowly dicipates to good lacing.
Smell: Wow. Hops, hops and more hops of pine, citrus and grapefruit. Good malt sweetness is found underneath the layer of hops.
Taste: Pretty watered down and frankly, really disappointing. Based on the smell, I expected a hop bomb. Instead, the bitterness is toned down and one-dimensional. The hop and malt is out of balance, with not enough hop bite to counteract the sweet malt.
Mouthfeel: Very watery. The thin body and high carbonation isn't very appealing and a recipe for disaster, no matter what beer style it is. The consistency of the head and lacing is very thin and airy, resembling the texture and appearance of soap bubbles (Yuck). I am noticing that the body does get thicker and fuller as it warms, perhaps the result of dissipating carbonation.
Drinkability: The 8% ABV is masked very well and makes this a dangerous session brew. Unfortunately, the bland taste makes it a one and done for me. In fact, I'm struggling to finish this bottle
Overall: A simple and sub-par IPA. The smell had me very excited about this brew, but the taste is a huge letdown. If you do run across this beer and want to give it a try, my advice is to let it warm up a bit first. I'm not sure if this is what the brewers were aiming for, but I will not be buying it again. There are far better IPAs out there.
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