Dec 15, 2011

Review: Edmund Fitzgerald Porter

Great Lakes Brewing Co.

Grade: A

Appearance: Pours a pitch black with a 1/2 finger light tan head that recedes quickly, and leaves light lacing.

Smell: Chocolate jumps right out. Sweet mocha and roasted coffee beans linger in the background.  Earthy hops finish off this amazingly smelling porter.  Ahhh! Great!

Taste: It begins with a very warming roasted coffee then moves over to a slight dark chocolate flavor.  The earthy hopes, combined with sweet caramel, put a nice end to this tasty treat.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with slightly high carbonation, which is a good thing.  The higher carbonation helps break up the initial strong roasted coffee flavor so that it doesn't feel like a morning cup of coffee.  It then mellows once the dark chocolate wondermint kicks in.  Well done.

Drinkability: Give me a sixer and it will be gone in half an hour.

Overall: Man, oh man!  What a delicious beer! One of the best porters I have ever had the pleasure of drinking.  It is incredibly balanced with the late hops combating the early sweetness of coffee and chocolate.  Highly recommended!

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