Grade: B
Appearance: Pours a murky golden orange color with a head that withers away quickly, but leaves decent lacing.
Smell: Citrus and strong pine hops dominate, along with sweet malt and some bready notes. A simple, but straight forward smell.
Taste: Not as much piney bitterness that one would expect from the smell. A strong and sweet malt backbone masks the hop bitterness very well, almost too much. A note of grapefruit shows up at the very end. It's a refreshing IPA, although the balance is off a bit. A stronger hop bite would help balance this brew out.
Moutfeel: Medium to light bodied with high carbonation. An easy drinker.
Drinkability: I could drink these all day due to its light body and caged hop bitterness. One of the most sessionable IPAs I have tried.
Overall: This is a middle of the road IPA that resides on the hoppier side of the spectrum, but the strong malt presence never allows the hops to take full flight. It is an enjoyable brew, but if you are a hophead like I am, this doesn't quite hit the mark. With that being said, I would definitely pick this one up if I am looking to have an easy drinking IPA session.
Quick Tip: If you are looking for a bigger hop bite, drink this brew straight from the bottle, as opposed to pouring in a glass.
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