Dec 29, 2011

Review: Green Flash Double Stout

Green Flash Brewing Co.

Grade: B

Appearance: Pours an extremely dark brown with an amber tint.  The light tan head dissipates quickly and leaves slim lacing.

Smell: Sweet roasted malts dominate with some coffee flavors and a hint of piney hops.

Taste: Strong roasted malts and hop bitterness starts it off with some burnt caramel.  Hops are felt throughout the levels of flavor. There are some undertones of chocolate and dark fruits mid palate and a slight alcohol punch at the finish. The finish leaves a weird tobacco-like taste one minute after consumption.

Moutfeel: A filling creamy body with moderate carbonation at the finish. 

Drinkability:  The 8.8% ABV makes this beer hard to session, but I could handle a couple despite its full, creamy body.

Overall:  An interesting take on an imperial stout. This brew does get rough around the edges as the drinking experience progresses. The abundance of herbal hops doesn't quite blend with the musty grain element as it warms. The odd tobacco-like aftertaste takes the brew down a notch. Its a good beer, but not my first choice when I want a stout.

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