Ayinger Brewery

Grade: A+
Appearance: Pours a very dark amber, almost black color with a weak 1/2 finger that disappears quicky and leaves very little lacing (probably due to the certain glass I am using).
Smell: Sweet bread jumps out, along with brown sugar, dark malts, dark fruits and some hops.
Taste: Sweetness comes early in molasses and dark fruits, perhaps raisins, plums and dates. Then comes huge biscuit malts and a nice tiny bit of alcohol that leads to a dry, slightly hoppy, finish. The aroma is far sweeter than the taste, which is usually common with most doppelbocks I have tried.
Mouthfeel: Awesome. Medium body with moderate carbonation. It can be a little bit chewy when you want it and smooth and light when you don't.
Drinkability: Very good. Goes down nice and smooth, without it feeling like a liquid meal. This is attributed to the perfect carbonation and body. Too bad I only have one to drink!
Overall: An outstanding doppelbock. There are a lot of flavors going on, but they are all balanced and complex. This is considered the gold standard for doppelbocks and rightly so. Delicious.
Serving type: Bottle
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