May 18, 2011

Review: Hop Rising Double IPA

Squatters Brewery
Grade: B

Appearance: Poured a nice hazy amber color with an orange tint. A nice 1 finger head that stayed throughout, leaving a strong, sticky lacing.

Smell: You can smell the sticky hop resin right away. Very earthen character with citrus and pine notes. Sweet biscuit and caramel tones come through, which help cover the alcohol aroma.

Taste: The complete opposite of the smell. Taste is unbalanced and malt forward. Pine hop notes come through a thick layer of toasted biscuit and caramel malt wall. The strength of the hops can be felt towards the end, which leaves a strong, dry bitterness. At 9% ABV, alcohol is noticeable throughout.

Mouthfeel: Full bodied, with a creamy and thick head that doesn't seem to go away. Medium carbonation.

Drinkability: The fact that the malt sweetness of the beer dominates the hops makes this beer very drinkable to the average beer drinker. But for a double IPA, I would have preferred a more hop-forward flavor.

Overall: A good double IPA. The malt bill needs to be toned down a bit to let the hops come through more strongly and achieve a better balance.

Serving type: Bottle

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