Bear Republic Brewing
Appearance: Pours a clear golden yellow, almost pilsner-like color with an orange tint. The small head decipates quickly and leaves a nice lacing.
Smell: A bouquet of floral, citrus and fruit hops burst forward. Pine notes, honey, raisins and toasted malts add to the exceptional smell. This is one of the most pleasant IPAs I have ever smelled.
Taste: Very crisp. The taste is exactly like the smell. The same fruity/floral hop flavors hit right away, along with pine notes and a slight malt sweetness that helps give balance and doesn't over power the hops.
Moutfeel: Light bodied with high carbonation. Ahhhh. Very refreshing.
Drinkability: I could drink these all day, but the 7% ABV prevents me from doing so, unless I am at home or not driving. Simply delicious.
Overall: Racer 5 has been my favorite IPA for a while now and continues to stay that way. The refreshing hop aroma and light body make this a pleasure to drink. The hop bitterness is enough to let you know its an IPA, yet doesn't overpower the rest of the flavors. Well done, Bear Republic.
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