Lagunitas Brewing Company
Grade: B
Appearance: Pours like a coca-cola dark brown and deep cherry color with a small head that decipates quickly and leaves very little lacing.
Smell: Dark malts is apparent, along with toasty malts, dark toffee and a little bit of dark fruits.
Taste: A malt hammer. Dark malts and roasted coffee hits first. Then transition to a spicy hop bitterness and alcohol burn. It then develops barley wine characteristics as it warms.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with low carbonation. Although there is too much carbonation towards the end for my liking.
Drinkability: Ok. It's a little bit too sweet as an american strong ale for me and the slight alcohol burn towards the end prevents me from drinking more than one.
Overall: A much sweeter strong ale than is expected from the style. It almost seems like a hybrid between a strong ale and barley wine. Nonetheless, it is a nice, flavorful beer.
Serving Type: Bottle
Serving Type: Bottle
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