Grade: B
Appearance: Pours a dark black amber with a light tan head that recedes to some thin lacing.
Smell: Strong roasted malts and coffee. Notes of milk chocolate and caramel. Some floral hops open up an earthy aroma.
Taste: Toasted malt and a dose of hops transition to dry, bitter hops. Chocolate and molasses notes are there and become more pronounced as the brew warms. Finishes dry and roasty with subtle bitter citrus.
Mouthfeel: Pretty light body for a porter with moderate carbonation. The mouth is left dry with mild bitterness.
Drinkability: For being 6% ABV and a porter, it goes down smoothly. It has a lighter body, yet retains a full body flavor.
Overall: This beer was pretty dry when colder, but the malt sweetness came through as it warmed. I have tried a sampler of their entire lineup and several full servings of most of their selection and they haven't disappointed me yet. If you want to experience all of the flavors this beer has to offer, drink it slightly cooler than room temperature.
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