Grade: A-
Appearance: After about ten minutes trying to get the wax seal off, it poured black with a beautiful thick tan head that slowly recedes to a nice one finger head. The lacing is thick and sticky.
Smell: Strong coffee and creamy milk chocolate with roasted malt undertones. There are slight burnt caramel and orange notes as well. It smells great!
Taste: Like the smell, the coffee takes center stage with strong sugar sweetness. Bitter dark chocolate and roasted malt is tasted mid-palate. It finished with moderate hop bitterness and alcohol spiciness.
Mouthfeel: Medium body with moderate carbonation. The finish is roasty and bitter with slight stickiness.
Drinkability: Strong. I find myself taking sips faster and faster as the bottle dwindles. It is super smooth with a nice alcohol burn and warmth at the finish. But like all imperial stouts, the high alcohol content (9.3%) makes me think twice about having another.
Overall: It is a really good imperial stout and the best of the Tenaya Creek lineup, IMO. The booze is there, but the rich coffee and chocolate notes compliment it nicely. I bought a second bottle and can't imagine how good it will be with some age.
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