Grade: C
Appearance: Pours a clear light amber with a thick off-white head and leaves very nice lacing.
Smell: Pine hops jump right off the bat, then the heavy malts kick in. There are some light caramel and biscuit notes with slight woodiness at the finish.
Taste: Heavy toasted caramel malts hit first with the hops coming at the back end. The malts give off flavors of toffee and toasted biscuit. The hops start piney and end citrusy and acidic. Finish is dry, but sticky and sweet from the heavy malts.
Mouthfeel: Heavy body with light carbonation. Super sticky and almost syrupy. This is one of the heaviest DIPAs (Double India Pale Ale) I have had.
Drinkability: Its not good. The malt sweetness and full body makes it a struggle to finish, despite the balancing hops at the finish.
Overall: Its one of the stronger showings from Samuel Adams in a while. Its a good tasting DIPA with a good dose of Simcoe and Cascade hops, but the body is just too heavy. I won't be buying it again.
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