Grade: A
Appearance: Pours an extremely dark brown with a fluffy off-white head that leaves good lacing.
Smell: Powdery cocoa and a good dose of cinnamon with a slight spice in the background. Chillies and dark fruit are there, but in the background as well. Smells fantastic and very original.
Taste: Awesome flavors all around. Strong cinnamon and chocolate with a nice bite of smoked chillies. The spiciness is complex and blends well with the chocolate. There are undertones of apples, wood and a hint of vanilla.
Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied with moderate carbonation. It starts creamy and smooth, then seamlessly transforms into a dry, spicy finish.
Drinkability: A medium body always makes for good drinkability, but the various spices and chili burn tend to wear on you if you can't take the heat. I don't think I would be able to handle more than one bottle in a sitting.
Overall: This is a pleasant surprise and a damn tasty beer from New Belgium. Its probably the best chili beer I have had and a very unique and memorable beer overall. I have to pick up some more before they are gone.
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