Grade: B
Appearance: Pours a hazy brownish orange with a nice white head that hangs around and leaves good lacing.
Smell: Sweet caramel malt with strong citrus and pine hops. Eventually the floral notes take the lead. That's about it.
Taste: The malts are mellower than expected with the hops taking on a raw, more earthy taste. The semi-sweet malt starts first, then the strong, really bitter hops come hard and fast. Screw complexity, this beer is all about the hops. There are no complaints from me about that.
Mouthfeel: Medium body with moderate carbonation. It leaves the mouth dry and extremely bitter, almost like you just chewed on a raw hop.
Drinkability: Hop lovers, like myself, would easily drink a few. If you are impartial to hops, it will be tough to get more than a few sips in.
Overall: This brew is no joke. Its an "in your face!" hop-forward IPA, which I thoroughly enjoyed. This is a tough beer to grade because its all about personal taste. Hop lovers will love it, others, not so much. But the alcohol is hidden well and becomes more balanced as it warms. A good IPA from Tenaya Creek.
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