Grade: B-
Appearance: Pours a clear golden orange with an airy head that lessens to a white film and leaves thin lacing.
Smell: Strong citrus hops, especially orange and grapefruit. Notes of sweet crystal malts, honey and biscuit.
Taste: The taste begins sweet and citrusy with notes of grapefruit and orange. Mid-palate are slight bread flavors and moderate bitterness. Also undertones of apples and pears. The hops really kick in at the finish, leaving the mouth dry and bitter.
Mouthfeel: On the lighter side of medium bodied with moderate, tickling carbonation.
Drinkability: Being the hophead I am, I can drink this all night. If your not too crazy about hops, it could be a struggle. Its lighter body improves its drinkability and the 8% ABV is masked very well.
Overall: At over 100 IBUs (International Bittering Units), I was expecting a hoppier double IPA. Nevertheless, the malt is just sweet enough to compliment that hops that are there. Perhaps my bottle was on the older side and the hop bitterness has somewhat diminished. Its a good beer, just not the hop bomb I was hoping it would be.
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