Grade: A-
Appearance: Pours an almost pitch black with a healthy dark tan one finger head that lessons slowly and leaves good lacing. It has an insane head for 10.8% ABV.
Smell: Dark roasted malts, dark chocolate and strong pine hops. Like a stout, this one smells dark. Grapefruit and molasses reveal themselves as it warms.
Taste: The taste is complex, almost like the complexity of a barley wine. The hops hit heavy and hard with pine and grapefruit notes. The swallow brings in some balancing roasted malts, molasses, dark fruits and some alcohol heat. The finish leaves your palate bitter and dry. The roasted malts linger long after swallowing.
Mouthfeel: It's full bodied and silky smooth. The carbonation gives it a strong, needle-like hop bite towards the finish.
Drinkability: This is absolutely a one and done kind of beer. One bottle can last quite a while since it is best enjoyed slowly and at 10.8% ABV, it does damage quickly.
Overall: As a black IPA, it hits all the right notes. Strong hop bitterness and a good dose of roasted malts lets you know it is an IPA and not a stout. While the alcohol content is a bit excessive, it quite enjoyable if you like hops. I would definitely buy again.
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