Grade: B-
Appearance: Pours a very dark cola-like amber with a thin head that leaves some traces of lacing.
Smell: Very sweet with chocolate, roasted malt and a touch of vanilla. It has strong milk chocolate notes, rather than coffee. Some toffee and brown sugar is picked up after getting through the layer of sweet chocolate.
Taste: The coffee aspect comes through stronger in the taste. Roasted malt then take over with some nice hop bitterness coming through. Some burnt sugar and caramel are tasted as well. The finish rounds up the coffee again with the addition of a soft alcohol punch.
Mouthfeel: A light body for a stout and medium carbonation.
Drinkability: It is a thin stout that can be drank all night long, although at 8.8% ABV, I wouldn't recommend it.
Overall: I'm a big fan of Lagunitas, but this one is a slight disappointment. The coffee isn't as pronounced as it should be and the thin body diminishes this brew. With all the strong chocolate and roasted malts, the alcohol isn't masked as well as it could have been. This feels like a finished beer that the brewers weren't happy with but bottled it anyway. It's a middle of the road coffee stout for me.
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