Grade: A-
Appearance: Pours a clear golden orange with a pure white head that withers away leaving some lacing.
Smell: The aroma smacks you in the face with piney, citrus hops. There are some scents of caramel, grapefruit and perhaps a dash of pineapple. A deliciouls smelling IPA.
Taste: A crisp and clean hop bite lead it off. The hop profile is dry pine with some herbal notes. Tastes of grapefruit nicely balance with abundance of hops. Slight notes of burnt biscuit and caramel linger in the background.
Mouthfeel: A good medium body with moderate carbonation. It leaves the mouth clean and dry.
Drinkability: Good, despite its 6.9% ABV. It has just enough hop bite to ask for another.
Overall: When I want a good dose of hops, I turn to Stone Brewing and this one is no different. It has enough hop bite to satisfy hopheads like myself with plenty of sweet malt to satisfy others. The fact this brew is getting more popular each day shouldn't diminish its respectability as a good American IPA.
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