Grade: B+
Appearance: Pours the typical pale, golden yellow pilsner color. The light head fades quickly and leaves minimal lacing.
Smell: Generic American pilsner flavors of grains and corn with some light and grassy hops.
Taste: Opens with crisp notes of straw, honey, some lemon and grass. Pleasantly grainy with the interplay of of grassy hops and faint biscuit notes. A very clean, non-adjunct taste with no offensive aftertastes.
Mouthfeel: Light body with high carbonation. Hey, it is a pilsner after all.
Drinkability: A good pilsner is perhaps the most drinkable beer style of them all. This one is a clean tasting pilsner that I could drink all night.
Overall: Redhood didn't reinvent the pilsner style or do much to deviate from it. What you have here is a cleaner and more balanced pilsner, with no skunkiness (Thanks to BROWN bottles!! Why breweries still use clear or green bottles I will never know!). I would easily pick this one up over a macro pilsner for a football game or BBQ.
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