Grade: B+
Appearance: Pours a golden pilsner -like color with a hazy orange tint. The head is very weak and leaves no lacing.
Smell: Sweet and toasty Munich malts with some caramel and nutty undertones. Earthy hops with a slight bitterness is picked up from underneath the layer of malts. Some orange and lemon zest are there to compliment the hops.
Taste: Citrus peel bitterness is felt immediately and a lot stronger than the smell would indicate. The sweet and bready malts actually take a back seat to the hops, which is unusual for a Marzen. The caramel sweetness and nuttiness takes over at the finish, with some hops still lingering.
Mouthfeel: Light bodied with medium carbonation and pretty refreshing.
Drinkability: The medium carbonation makes this one an easy drinker, despite its sweet malts getting stronger and stronger as the brew warms.
Overall: This is a refreshing take on the Marzen style. It is almost an IPA through the first half of the beer then transcends into a Marzen through the second half. Tenaya Creek is a great brewery that hasn't let me down yet. You'll be hearing from this brewery in the near future as it continues to grow.
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