Grade: B
Appearance: Pours a crystal clear amber with a small head that reduces quickly and leaves minimal lacing.
Smell: Honey sweet malt with lots of grainy rye and strong citrus hops. There is just a hint of biscuits and bread in the background. It's a simple and straightforward smell.
Taste: Talk about rye domination from start to finish. There is much more rye than the smell leads on. Underneath all the rye, there are strong pine and citrus hops with a touch of malt sweetness at the finish.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with light, fizziling carbonation.
Drinkability: It's a pallet drier with the overwhelming rye graininess and hop presence. Drinkability becomes stronger as it warms when the malt sweetness comes through and doesn't leave your pallet as dry.
Overall: I was expecting a little more complexity for this beer, considering it's a Sierra Nevada. The strong rye throws it off balance by overshadowing all the other elements. It's not the greatest I've had, but still better than most rye brews and easy to find. I could see myself buying it again.
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