Grade: C+
Appearance: Pours a hazy amber with a brown tint. The white and small head doesn't last long and leaves no lacing.
Smell: Sweet caramel malts with toasted bread, some nuts and a tad of citrus hops that are resiny and earthy.
Taste: Toast and light lemon and grapefruit citrus hit first. Malts aren't as sweet as a typical amber. The hops compliment the citrus, creating a sour bitterness. The finish leaves an almond brittle-like taste with some bitterness still lingering.
Mouthfeel: Medium body with higher carbonation than usual for an amber.
Drinkability: Strong. The high carbonation and restrained malt sweetness makes this one an easy drinker.
Overall: I'm not digging this brew too much. The lemon citrus dominates the malt sweetness too much. The signature flavor of the amber style is a strong malt backbone. It's just an awkward amber to me. I'll be passing on this one and picking up one with more traditional amber characteristics.
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