Grade: B+
Appearance: Pours a murky copper orange with a weak white head that leaves some lacing.
Smell: Caramel malts with piney, resiny hops and some biscuit notes. Tropical fruit and grapefruit linger as well. It's not a game changing IPA aroma, but it is balanced and fresh.
Taste: Gradefruit and piney bitterness with lesser malt presence than I expected. Some sour grass and earthiness residue in the background. Leaves the mouth dry with mild hops on the palate.
Mouthfeel: Excellent. Medium body with moderate carbonation. The mouthfeel is the highlight of this brew.
Drinkability: Good. It is defenitely a sessionable IPA. It feels light and well balanced and at 6.5% ABV, its quite refreshing.
Overall: For being organic, this is one tasty IPA with solid pine hops and a well balanced caramel backbone. Not to mention how trippy the label is. I will defeintely be buying again.
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