Grade: D-
Appearance: Pours the classic porter black with a tan head that dissipates to solid, sticky lacing.
Smell: Sweet, roasted malts with chocolate and a bit of coffee. There is some tartness, toffee and slight biscuit flavors.
Taste: Strong coffee and sour tartness with dark fruit. Fairly astringent and possibly infected. There is a light flavor of malt and dark chocolate. It finishes dry, tangy and roasty. Not much else is going on.
Mouthfeel: Thin and watery for a porter with medium carbonation.
Drinkability: The light body makes this porter easy to down, but the astringency prevents me from having another.
Overall: Not a very good porter. Thin, watery and strong sour tartness makes for a below par porter. This is my first beer from Scuttlebutt and I don't know if it is infected or plain bad. I will give the brewery the benefit of the doubt and vote infected. I will revisit this one if I happen to come across it again and see if I get the same results.
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