Grade: C-
Appearance: Pours black with a tan head that vanished immediatly, leaving good lacing.
Smell: Coffee, dark chocolate and oatmeal. A hint of citrus, dark fruits and molasses.
Taste: Roasted malt, sweet chocolate and strong molasses. There is not much oatmeal flavor for an oatmeal stout. A touch of toffee with just enough bitterness to balance it. The finish is slightly bitter with some dark fruit and sour tart.
Mouthfeel: Medium body with moderate carbonation. Pretty creamy and smooth, leaving an oily mouthfeel.
Drinkability: Drinkability is good. Its a creamy oatmeal stout, but light enough to have a few without filling you up.
Overall: This is a solid beer, but a sub par oatmeal stout. Its a simple tasting beer that should have put much more emphasis on the oatmeal. It is an oatmeal stout after all, and kind of a tease. It makes me want to go out and pick up a heartier and fuller oatmeal stout when I am done with this one.
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