Grade: C+
Appearance: Pours a dark ruby color with a big, frothy off-white head that lessens, but leaves thick, sticky lacing.
Smell: Strong pine hops with thick malts and citrus notes. Undertones of coffee, caramel and dark fruits. It definitely smells like an American Strong Ale.
Taste: Strong taste of roasted malts and burnt brown sugar. Some faint toffee, vanilla and citrus. Light hops linger on the tongue.
Mouthfeel: On the heavy side of medium with medium, airy carbonation.
Drinkability: While the 7.8% ABV is hidden well, it is a heavy, malt forward beer. If you are drinking this on a full stomach, forget about asking for another.
Overall: This is a pretty average strong ale from a great brewery that should be better. There aren't enough hops to balance out the heavy malt. However, the hops really show up towards the end of the bottle, as it gets warmer. This is a respectable strong ale that is easy to find, but there are better ones out there.
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