Grade: C
Appearance: Pours a cloudy brown amber with a frothy off-white head that recides and leaves excellent lacing.
Smell: Moderste aromas of bready malts, caramel, toffee and some molasses. There are also subtle hints of butterscotch, raisins, and various herbs. It resembles that of a lighter scotch/whiskey.
Taste: Light caramel, roasted malt and strong biscuit lay the foundation. Tropical fuits and english hops are in there as well. The alcohol comes out a bit at the end than it should, as it is only 6% ABV and pretty low for a strong ale. The finish is dry and hoppy with a citrus aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Full-bodied with low carbonation and pretty creamy. The carbonation doesn't hold up very well and after about ten minutes the beer is almost flat. It leaves the mouth slightly sticky.
Drinkability: It fluctuates. It starts out interesting, but as carbonation dies down, it gets sweeter and thicker. You will find yourself drinking it slower about half way through the bottle.
Overall: This one smelled very promising, but the taste and deteriorating carbonation let this one down. There are some good qualities, but overall its pretty bland and an average strong ale. I was expecting a winter warmer and it didn't deliver.
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