Grade: B-
Appearance: Pours a pale, murky golden yellow with an orange tint. The beautiful white head doesn't last long and leaves decent lacing.
Smell: Malty with lots of yeast and lemon notes. The hops are grassy and earthy with some caramel and butter notes at the finish.
Taste: The malt and yeast come first, much like the smell. There are some flavors of lemon, grass and cream. A mild dry finish with some caramel sweetness. The taste doesn't linger on the palate after consuming.
Mouthfeel: Perfect. A creamy, full body with medium, yet subtle carbonation.
Drinkability: Good drinkability. It has light and refreshing characteristics. The alcohol is extremely well hidden. I can't believe it is an 8% ABV beer. I'll take another.
Overall: I actually enjoyed this beer. It's not a great beer, nor the best example of a Helles Doppelbock, but the flavors and mouthfeel compliment each other well. This is the best beer I have had from Abita so far and would make a good spring beer.
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