Grade: D+
Appearance: Pours a crystal clear dark gold with an airy, fizzy head that vanished quickly and left no lacing.
Smell: Sweet malt with some honey, bread and floroal hop additions. The smell is very faint.
Taste: Light malt along with light piney hops. Tons of grainy flavor and minor herbal bitterness. The aftertaste is that of honey and some bread.
Mouthfeel: Water thin body with moderate carbonation.
Drinkability: Water is very drinkable and this one is pretty much water with some barley mixed in.
Overall: To be honest, I have never had a "small beer" before. A "small beer" is basically the left over liquid after the initial mashing period (when the barley is soaked in very hot water to extract the color and flavor from the barley). In this case, this is the left over liquid after mashing their barley wine. This is a watered down version of a good barley wine. I can understand why they are so rare, and in some cases, not even made anymore. I am glad I experienced it, but would never drink it again.
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