Grade: C-
Appearance: Pours a cloudy pale orange with an off-white head that disappears almost immediately and leaves no lacing.
Smell: Lots of malt with some bready notes and grains. There is also slight fruitiness and a touch of alcohol. Not much going on here.
Taste: Grainy, extremely sweet malt and notes of citrus. Apple and grapes show up mid-palate with a syrupy alcohol kick at the finish. It finished sour and boozy.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with strong soda-like carbonation.
Drinkability: The soda-like mouthfeel makes this one easy to drink, but the high ABV (7.1%) makes it hard to have more than a couple. The alcohol taste at the finish brings the drinkability aspect down as well.
Overall: Not a bad beer, but not a good representation of a maibock. The candy-like sweetness is just too much and can't see myself buying it again.
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