Grade: C-
Appearance: Pours a hazy pale orange with a weak white head that reduces to a thin layer of foam and laves ok lacing.
Smell: Yeasty with fruity notes and coriander. Some wheat, lemon grass and spices are present as well. A bit of orange peel and possibly grains of paradise.
Taste: Almost tastes like a hybrid of an American wheat and a wit. Dry citrus notes of wheat take over the start. The various spices of cinnamon, coriander and lavender show up. Mid-palate there are accents of graham crackers. Finishes bone dry with some residual spices.
Mouthfeel: Light for a wit with medium, almost creamy, carbonation.
Drinkability: Its refreshing and light in flavor and body until the finish. Like most wits, its pretty drinkable.
Overall: It is what it is: a dry wit. However, this one just has too many spices and not enough malt. The taste is bone dry throughout and leaves me wanting a bit sweeter wit that isn't a spice bomb.
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