Grade: C-
Appearance: Pours a stout black with a tan head that desinigrates to a good lacing.
Smell: Dark, roasty malts with mocha and bitter coffee notes. Citrus hops are picked up under the thick hue of chocolate. Smells delicious.
Taste: A strong burst of roasted malt with the addition of cocoa at the start. Followed by a moedrate bitterness that hangs around for a while. Slight metal is tasted on the back-end. The taste is mostly roasty and pretty bland.
Mouthfeel: Moderate body with elevated carbonation at the finish. Somewhat creamy, but not smooth.
Drinkability: Not the greatest. It is hard to have multiple servings with the inconsistent mouthfeel and subtle metallic aftertaste.
Overall: This was a promising beer, but not too impressed. The smell and beginning of the taste is good, but the finish is anything but good. I don't see myself picking this one up again.
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