Grade: D+
Appearance: Pours a dark brown with an amber tint. The massive cream-colored head collapses in half, leaving a dense one finger head and good lacing.
Smell: Toasted malts, sweet caramel and strong nuttiness. There are faint hints of chocolate and molasses. Slight hop notes linger. Pretty nice smelling brew.
Taste: Sweet upfront with toasted malt and roasted nuts. Molasses, light caramel and toffee are in there as well. It gets kind of woody with a touch of brown sugar. The finish is toasty and slightly bitter.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and extremely over carbonated. It almost feels like your drinking soda water at the finish. Its not liked I shaked or dropped the bottle. Horrible mouthfeel.
Drinkability: While the body is over carbonated, it has the balance to put it away quickly. On the other side, that same high carbonation prevents me from having another.
Overall: If there is one pet peeve I have with beer, it is over carbonated beer. It gives the beer a gassy, airy taste and takes away the levels of flavor. The smell is the strong point and the taste is mediocre. In Diamond Knots defense, it could have been an accidentally over carbonated bottle. In any case, I will probably try it again if I come across it, but won't be making any special trips to pick up another one.
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