Grade: B+
Appearance: Pours a hazy golden orange with a slight red tint floating in the center of the beer. The thick frothy head goes pretty quicky, leaving a solid 1/2 finger head and good lacing.
Smell: A strong burst of lemon starts it off, followed by an abundance of juniper berries and some lavender. The gin barrels give off some hard liquor aromas. Very distinctive.
Taste: It's very woody right off the bat with juniper berries coming forward. It has a spicy floral bite with a bit of vanilla. I also taste cucumbers and onion. Some hops finally show up at the finish with a slight gin aftertaste from the gin barrels.
Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied with moderate carbonation. It's creamy at first with a crisp finish.
Drinkability: The body certainly allows it to be sessionable, but the distinctive taste is a different story.
Overall: This is an interesting idea and unlike any other beer I have had before. It's a delicate, well-made ale that has a taste that gets some getting used to. I would love to try this brew without the gin barrels being involved. I am glad I tried it, but it's doubtful that I would drink it again. If you are a fan of gin, this beer is the one for you.
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